
Fullerton, L. (2019).Yesterday’s Tomorrow: The afterlife of the Century of Progress Homes of Tomorrow.” In Zach Mortice (Ed.), Midwest Architecture Journeys. Cleveland, OH: Belt Publishing.

Fullerton, L. & Ettema, J. (March 2014). “Ways of Worldmaking in Wikipedia: Fact, Value and Collaborative Knowledge Creation.” Critical Studies in Media Communication, 36(2).

Fullerton, L. (June 2013). “Carrefour Brazil: Leveraging Twitter For Social Good.” In the Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Strategies. Vol 3. Detroit: Gale.

Fullerton, L. & Rarey, M. (Spring 2012). “Virtual Materiality: Collectors and Collection in the Brazilian Music Blogosphere.” Communication, Culture & Critique, 5(1). [download here]

Wang, J., Huffaker, D.A., Treem, J.W., Fullerton, L., Ahmad, M.A., Williams, D., Poole, M.S. & Contractor, N. (2011).“Focused on the prize: Characteristics of experts in massive multiplayer online games.” First Monday, 16(8). [read here]

Hargittai, E., Fullerton, L., Menchen-Trevino, E. & Thomas, K. (2010). “Trust Online: Young Adults’ Evaluation of Web Content.” International Journal of Communication 4(10). [download here]

Huffaker, D. A., Wang, A., Treem, J., Ahmad, M.A., Fullerton, L., Williams, D., Poole, M.S., Contractor, N. (2009). “The Social Behaviors of Experts in Massive Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games.”  Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Social Computing Conference (SocialCom-09). [download here]

Fullerton, L. (Fall 2006) “Captives of Copyright: The Fates of Documentaries in the Digital Age” in RES: The Journal of Undergraduate Research 3(1).