New Median Consulting

At New Median Consulting I strive to help clients navigate grant and research strategy issues, and put actionable, measurable plans into place. Whether your organization is experienced, or is just starting out, New Median will help you confidently develop clear strategies. I have worked with diverse organizations across industries including academia, non-profits, medical, finance, and consumer goods.

Why does "New Median" mean?

The name is a mash-up of "New Media" and "Median." "New Media" refers to the digital content and technologies that continue to change almost every aspect of daily life. New media are, and always have been, the main focus of our research and consulting work. "Median" is the middle value of a data set. This reflects not only our pragmatic, research-based and client-driven focus; but also my goal to raise the bar (or median) and improve results for our clients. Together, the name "New Median" reflects my commitment to use new media technologies to create improved standards and performance for our clients.



New Median can create custom research studies to take a deep dive into questions related to social media, marketing, user experience or other aspects of your organization. We have over 10 years of experience crafting qualitative and quantitative research studies for clients across a wide variety of industries. If you already have a research project or question in mind, but don't know how to proceed, we can help work with you to develop an actionable research design and strategy. Once the research is completed, we can also write reports, or case studies.

How we can help:

  • Research design and consultations for new and existing projects

  • Survey and questionnaire design

  • Custom reports, whitepapers and case studies

  • Research for grants or project proposals

Grant writing and management

New Median specializes in researching and writing grants for non-profits. We will work with you throughout the entire grant-writing process, from research, to crafting the grant, through managing online submissions and writing reports. We can also research grant prospects, and help you with your organization's overall grant strategy and management

How we can help:

  • Grant prospect research

  • Grant writing

  • Organizational grant management systems

  • Grant submission and reporting

WRITING and Content Strategy

New Median has extensive experience researching and writing reports and whitepapers in a variety of industries, from healthcare to technology. We can also research and write original content for your organization's website or other channels. Beyond writing, if you are looking to become a thought leader within your field, New Median will help you develop and implement an actionable content strategy.

How we can help:

  • Reports, presentations and whitepapers

  • Content creation for websites or other organizational properties

  • Content curation