Lindsay Fullerton, Ph.D.

I am a researcher, writer and consultant, and a graduate of the PhD program in Media, Technology and Society in the School of Communication at Northwestern University. I also hold a BS in Economics, specializing in Communication and Marketing, from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.

In my research, I focus on the effects of social media, the history of technology, collective intelligence, expertise and collaboration, and most recently World’s Fairs and Chicago history. My current research focuses on the history of Chicago and the 1933-4 Century of Progress World’s Fair in Chicago. To learn more about my research, you can connect with me on For the latest version of my resume, or my full academic CV, please contact me.

In 2016, I founded New Median Consulting, a research, social media and grantwriting consultancy. As a consultant, I have expertise in research design and implementation, usability, writing, and social media strategy. Since 2007, I have worked with clients to execute studies utilizing a variety of qualitative and quantitative methodologies. I also employ a combination of these skills to work as a grant writer for non-profit organizations, executing the entire process from funder research, to proposal submission, to reporting.

Outside of research, I am a printmaker focusing on hand-set letterpress and screen-printing as well as a travel and food blogger.